在法规、规章和规范性文件的翻译中常常会遇到“转让”一词歌曲,关于英文怎么读,目前无论是使用主动态还是被动态,大多采用“transfer”一词。在参考国外的法律文本和香港的法例后我们可以发现转让一词所对应的词包括:“assign”, “delegate”, “negotiate”,“transfer”四词。
在法律语言中,“assign”作转让解释时是指转让财产,尤指转让属人财产或动产。在英格兰,是指属人动产、实产中的动产权益或实产中的衡平法权益的完全转让;在苏格兰是指将债权、股权等无形财产完全或仅作为担保加以转让的方式;“delegate”作转让解释时是指将(自己的债务人)转移给自己的债权人,而香港法例中采用了转授一词;“negotiate”作转让解释时是指转让流通票据(negotiable instruments);“transfer”作转让解释时是指财产或所有权等的让与。
例2:Unit。“Unit” shall mean a unit of Interest in a company. 每次一碰到这个词总觉得头疼,译成“单位”吧,觉得别扭,这次客户给我帮了个大忙,客户建议译成“股权单位”,我比较喜欢这个译法句子,不仅能和前面的泛泛含义的“单位”有所区别,另外能体现出私募的专业性。如果有人在类似文体的文件中碰到这个词可以参考一下这个译法。
例句短语词组内容读:The Interests of the Members in the Company shall be divided into and represented by units (“Units”) issued in accordance with this Agreement, each representing a share of the aggregate Interests of the Members in the Company as determined pursuant to this Agreement.
其他类似的词还有commitment (承担)、Escrow ( 第母的三方托管)还有Initial Closing & Subsequent Closing(初期交割电影 & 后期交割),关于英文的句子,这里短语母的不再展开说明。
3、“关于”的用法电影和表达短语 (原文文案标题:工程合同中的“in respect of”的用法)
在工程协议或合同中,“关于”这个词是出现频率非常高的一个,在正式和非正式文件中表示“关于”的英文词汇中有不少,像“regarding”、“concerning”、“pertaining to”、“with reference to”、“relating to”等等抄报,这些词也同样活跃在正式的工程协议或合同文件中。而“in respect of”的含义和上述的词汇是很接近的,并且由于“in respect of”中含有“of”,所以使用起来也很灵活。让我们看看工程类法律文件中常见的一些说法。
本句中英文“材料或工艺”与为暗示的“工作”之间存在“有关春节”或“关于单词”的关系,可以使用“in respect of”。
例1译句:The Engineer shall during the progress of the Works have power to order in writing from time to time the removal and proper re-歌曲execution,notwithstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment therefor,of any work which in respect of materials or workmanship is not,in the opinion of the Engineer,in accordance with the Contract.图片
本句中“赔偿”与歌曲“额外费用和/或停工时间年级”之间存在“有关”或“关于”的关系,可以使用“in respect of”。
例2译句:Provided that the Contractor shall not be entitled to recover any such extra cost unless he gives written notice of his intention to claim to the Engineer within seven (7) days of the Engineer's order.祝福语 The Engineer shall settle and determine such extra payment and/or extension of time under Clause 44 hereof to be made to the Contractor in respect of such claim as shall,关于英文手抄报,in the opinion of the Engineer,be fair and reasonable.
本句文字中“部分工程”与词组“竣工证书”之间“有关”或“关于”的关系,关于英文短语,可以祝福语使观后感用“in respect of”。
例3译句:If any part of the Permanent Works shall have been substantially completed and shall have satisfactorily passed any final test that may be prescribed by the Contract,the Engineer may issue a Certificate of Completion in respect of that part of the Permanent Works before completion of the whole of the Works and,upon the issue of such Certificate,the Contractor shall be deemed to have undertaken to complete any outstanding work in that part of the Works during the Period of Maintenance.
“in respect of”还有一个方便之处便是三年级可以放在句首手抄,关于英文电影的观后感,相当于励志“对于年级”。请看例句。
例4译句:In respect of all work executed on a day-work basis,the Contractor shall,during the continuance of such work,deliver each day to the Engineer&#春节39;s Representative an exact list in duplicate of the names,occupation and time of all workmen employed on such work and a statement,also in duplicate,关于英文的励志句子,关于英文单词,showing the description and quantity of all materials and plant used thereon or therefore (other than plant which is included in the percentage addition in accordance with the Schedule hereinbefore referred to).
In respect of any Constructional Plant which the Contractor shall have imported for the purposes of the works,the Employer will assist the Contractor,where required,in procuring any necessary Government consent to the re-说祝福语观后感export of such Constructional Plant by the Contractor upon the removal thereof as aforesaid.
In respect of every Provisional Sum the Engineer shall have power to order Work to be executed,including goods,关于英文的文案,materials or services to be supplied by the Contractor.